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Label Collections


Box Tops

click here for a list of participating products


We’re a Box Tops school and every Box Top you submit earns OCE 10 cents for our school. There is a NEW and improved Box Tops mobile app, which allows families to scan their store receipts and instantly add Box Tops to our school's earnings online. Please download the new app today to start digital clipping! Box Tops is working to phase out the original Box Tops clips, so you can continue to cut out those and send them in to the school marked with your teacher's name on the collection sheet or Ziploc. Last school year, OCE earned $2,206 through the Box Tops program. Let's keep clipping Clippers!  Click here for the form.


There is a new way to make your digital Box Tops count towards your classroom goal. Now when families use the Box Tops app to scan their store receipt, they can "Give Credit" to an individual, classroom or grade level. To "Give Credit" make sure you have the latest version of the Box Tops app, scan your receipt, then tap the star icon to enter your "Give credit" memo. Enter your child's teacher's name and we will add these digital Box Tops to the classroom totals. Classes will be competing to collect the most Box Tops, so make everyone count! 


We are still able to accept physical box tops so please send them with your child to school!

There is also a box outside of the school to drop off bags of box tops with your teacher's name.













Olive Chapel Elementary PTA © 2025

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